Services Offered
Business Services
Business Consulting & Valuation
Whether you’re starting a business, buying a business, turning a business around, or selling a business, we can help. We consult on business structure, entity selection, registrations, financing, efficiencies, accounting software selection & implementation, business valuation, etc. We have a passion for small business and truly enjoy getting to know the companies and individuals we are working with, and providing insight that brings value to the situation.
Tax Planning & Preparation
We can guide you through a full range of tax planning and preparation decisions with strategies that minimize your tax liabilities, maximize your cash flow and keep you on track with your financial goals. We can also assist with any tax notices received from the IRS or State of Michigan.
Accounting, Compilation & Review Services
If your business is outgrowing its current bookkeeping system, or has no system, we can provide comprehensive accounting services to ensure smooth operation of the financial side of your business. As your business needs grow and change, we can provide financial statements, as well as input and planning assistance to make sure your accounting and financial systems keep pace with your business needs.
Individual Services
Individual Tax Planning & Preparation
We can identify and develop personal tax strategies to both reduce and defer your current and future income tax. We enjoy meeting with our clients and getting to know their personal financial situation to a degree that allows us to implement a strategy that makes sense and creates results.
Estate, Gift & Trust Tax Planning & Preparation
Few people want to think about estate and gift planning, but for some this can be a valuable exercise. Estate planning encompasses more than the distribution of your assets. A good estate plan takes into account a wide a range of issues, such as who will take care of your children, to minimizing or completely avoiding estate taxes. We work closely with estate planning attorneys to make sure all tax aspects are addressed in your plan. In conjunction with planning, we also prepare any necessary estate, gift and trust tax returns.